Who We Are

I am family.  Aren’t you too?  We all come from DNA set down thru the generations and it finds us out.  I have genes that have set my eyes deep with roots both European and Native American, mixed in with hefty doses of parental smarts that skipped a generation and settled firmly in my children.

I design for clients as though they were family – collaborating and listening to their stories, so if they have guests stay overnight often, then we squeeze in a guest bedroom. If they love to cook we find a way to put a professional range into the appliance wish list.  If they have little children under foot and just want a place to have five minutes peace, we snuggle a reading niche into a private area just for Mom.  Being heard is not just about telling the stories of our day, it is also about listening to the needs a house should bring – whether that house is a small apartment to a grand french provincial manor.  Our residences are living breathing things that are gently calling, “Come home.”